December 20, 2023

Magento 2 with Docker and Sonarqube on Windows System

Welcome to a detailed guide on setting up Magento 2 with Docker and SonarQube on Windows system. In this step-by-step walkthrough, we will navigate through the essential processes, starting with the installation of Docker and SonarQube, followed by the integration of SonarQube with your local Magento instance. This comprehensive tutorial not only covers the technical aspects of installation but also provides insights into the significance of code analysis and quality assurance in the development lifecycle. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a well-structured development environment, reinforcing best practices and ensuring the robustness of your Magento project on the Windows platform. Let’s dive into the intricacies of setting up a powerful and efficient development environment for Magento development.

1: Install Docker on windows::

1.1: download docker desktop application from
1.2: Install the app to your windows system
1.3: Add below path to your environment variables
– C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin
– C:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop\version-bin
1.4: Go to “Command Prompt” and type “docker -v”. If you get the docker version, it is installed correctly on your system.

2: Install Sonarqube::

2.1: Go to command prompt
2.2: Execute command: “docker pull sonarqube”. It will download sonarqube to your system.
2.3: To run sonarqube, execute : “docker run sonarqube”
2.4: After the execution is completed, go to your browser and open in a new tab.
2.5: You will see login screen, use admin/admin as username and password.
2.6: Now go to click on “Manually” to connect sonarqube with your local magento instance
2.7: Add Project Name and project key
2.8: Click on “Set up”
2.9: Select “Locally” option from the list
2.10: It will ask to generate a token for your project. Add a name for your token and click on generate.
2.11: It will generate a key. Copy and store the key in your system
2.12: Click on continue
2.13: Select “Other” for Magento project
2.14: Select your OS, in our case “Windows”
2.15: It will open a few details about the project and will ask you to install sonarqube scanner. (KEEP THE SCREEN OPEN, WE WILL NEED IT IN FUTURE)

3: Install Sonarqube scanner::

3.1: Go to and download windows-64 bit scanner.
3.2: You can directly use the link :
3.3: It will download a zip file.
3.4: Extract the zip and put it in any location of your system. In our case let’s add it in D:\docker\sonar-scanner
3.5: Now go to Environment variable and add a new path “D:\docker\sonar-scanner\bin”

4: Connect sonarqube with your local magento instance::

4.1: First, go to the sonarqube screen where we were setting up our project.
4.2: Got to “Execute the Scanner” section, you will find a command provided to execute sonarqube on your project.
4.3: Copy the command
4.4: Now, go to your Magento’s root directory and create a new file with name: “”
4.5: Add below code in the file.

					sonar.projectKey=Magento (Your Project Key you created in sonarqube at step 2.7)
sonar.projectName=Magento (Your Project Key you created in sonarqube at step 2.7)
sonar.exclusions=/Test/, /registration.php sonar.test.exclusions=/Test/**

4.6: Now open your magento root directory in command prompt/
4.7: Execute the command copied at 4.3
– sonar-scanner.bat -D”sonar.projectKey=Test” -D”sonar.sources=.” -D”″ -D”sonar.login=0d3ee79ef3db6b83d221ef12a727b2fcfc93fad9″
4.8: It will start scanning your app/code directory. Once completed, your browser page (step 2.15) will get refreshed and you will see a complete report for your app/code directory.


In conclusion, the installation and integration process of Magento with Docker and SonarQube on a Windows system involves a systematic series of steps. From the initial installation of Docker and SonarQube to configuring and connecting SonarQube with the local Magento instance, each step is meticulously outlined. The inclusion of SonarQube scanner ensures a thorough analysis of the Magento project, with detailed instructions provided for executing the scanner and interpreting the results. This comprehensive guide not only facilitates a seamless setup but also emphasizes the importance of code analysis and quality assurance through SonarQube integration. Following these steps ensures a robust development environment, promoting efficient coding practices and enhancing the overall quality of the Magento project on a Windows platform.


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